Wait, what? Varnish the inside? Yes, I decided to varnish the inside. Using a roller, 3 coats, light sanding in between the coats. It went on easy, no problems. I also put a 4th coat of varnish on the floor mixed with non-skid grit, and it came out really nice.
These taped off areas got the non-skid. I used the non-skid material for sale at Duckworks, it worked really nice in the varnish.
Another item of critical importance was a trailer. So I got one. A new one. Holy Splurge!
Its a nice trailer. I repositioned the bunks to perpendicular to the frame so the hull doesnt "hog" around the bunks.
Also, I needed a tiller extension. Actually, what I needed was rudder hardware, but thats a post in itself. BEHOLD! My Battlestick!
I also had to figure out how to rig this thing. Its a "balanced lug" rig, and Ive never sailed one nor rigged one, so that took a few hours to figure out. Its actually going to take a while to figure out to be honest with you, because there are a bunch of variables. I just wanted it to be up and viable for a first sail. Part of the fun is tweaking the rig as you sail along!
Theres only one thing left (besides multiple small detail oriented tasks...)